Riding the train it through the Black Forest
Author: ernest mazza
Spinach Thang
Blues in Munich!!
After getting washed out of Oktoberfest, I made my way to Alfonso’s and had a blast.
On the Subway Train in Munich
Oktoberfest and Blues Music in Munich
Oktoberfest was a block from my hostel – too bad it was drizzling. I actually had no beer at Oktoberfest.
Oktoberfest was a wash. After a short flight from Milan to Munich (the train ride from the airport took just as long as the flight), I found my way to the hostel and got organized.
In the hostel room there are 6 bunk beds and one toilet and shower. The Oktoberfest activities were a block away. The day I arrived I walked down the block, admiring the traditionally dressed people heading towards the fun. It was drizzling, and the rain steadily came down harder. It’s kind of a circus any way so I healed toward the subway to get out of the rain, figuring that I would try to learn the subway system, as I have to leave early Tuesday for my great train adventure. I grabbed a subway train and the first station I stumbled out of was just amazing. I walked around for a while and then started looking for live blues music.
Google found a promising blues place and I jumped in a cab and showed him the address. he said it was shorter to walk and off I went. I never did find that place, and googled another place. I walked and walked for about half an hour only to walk RIGHT past my hostel on my way to a bar that didn’t have music this night. Determined to find some music, I googled again and found a place about 2 miles away. I asked in a bar to get me a cab, she said because of October fest it is would be difficult to get a cab and didn’t even try. I flagged a cab nearby and of were went in to the Munich night, across town to Alfonso’s and the place was a blast. A small club packed with locals and what fun. The band speaks and sings half on German, half in English. The are on break right now.
I took notes on a scratch pad as I traveled when possible. I later used voice to text transcription on my cell phone and send it to my blog via email. At times I would text directly on the phone instead of transcription and also sent it to the blog the same way. So this blog may be in present tense as well as past tense.
Now they are playing again… It’s 10 pm and I’m loving it! Jam session tonight so we have a guest player now, banging away on an acoustic guitar And singing on English. I met a nice couple named Dagi and Ralf. They spoke English and we chatted throughout the night. I had a wonderful time!
At the hostel
Milan Cathedral
The Milan Cathedral, or Duomo di Milano.
Duomo di Milano
Trying to Look Stylish in Milan
But failing miserably 🙂
Model Photo Shoot in Piazza del Duomo

Piazza del Duomo in Milan
– the church square.
After the opera, I strolled through the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II to the Piazza del Duomo and had a gelato and watched this photo shoot, with techno music booming. The tourists were thrilled to chat with the model after the photo shoot. He was a lot of fun!
While enjoying the gelato I admired the Milan Cathedral, or Duomo di Milano.
Ride from Montepulciano to Verona to Sirmione
In Montepulciano the hotel was so nice that I hung out until midday and then had a beautiful ride through Sienna, a province in Tuscany – the long rolling hills were magnificent. The motorcycle does not have power brakes, so I was able to turn off the engine and coast downhill a long way from time to time and enjoy the silence and views.
I then went to Verona only to find that all of the hotels were full due to a very important convention, mama mia!!! I ASSumed that I would get lucky and find a hotel like in Montepulciano. When I first got there, I saw a bed and breakfast sign in a residential area and thought: BINGO so I followed the arrow but didn’t see any more signs. I asked a local about the B&B, who didn’t know of it and tried very hard to find something for me on his smartphone. When he wasn’t able to find anything, I should have realized there was something was wrong… Concern started to creep in to my head as the day was grown longer and this guy was taking so long. I then checked for myself and spoke with a hotel clerk, her suggestion was to get away from the center of the city. I noticed that the outskirts were a bit sketchy so I headed to Sirmione knowing that it was an nice tourist (thanks to Stefano). I figured there was no large convention there.
Just as night fell, I got to Sirmione to find that the first hotel I came across was booked. Consternation was starting to set in, and I figured that I would end up in a field somewhere to sleep – I didn’t really want to ride at night on the motorcycle. Another call, another full hotel. Another query for a suggestion and then Italian conversation with a colleague on the other end of the phone. Ah yes, Hotel Du Park. Google maps took me there in a jiffy and omg what good luck I have, the hotel was marvelous, with a pizza place next door. A salad and pizza hit the spot and the leftover pizza was just what I needed before bed.
Backpackers travel tip
Returning motorcycle in Milan
The great Italian motorcycle adventure ended here in Milan. It started in Rome and took me through Sabaudia, along the Appian Way, through the heart of Italy. The weather was perfect.
The ride from my hotel in Milan to the rental agency was quite an adventure… the GPS was a bit wonky (operator error?) and as midday led to afternoon I found myself riding in circles among the Milan streetcar tracks that run along the streets… with the streetcars. I came across an intersection that was blocked because they decided to rearrange the traffic pattern. OK, go around. Then, construction. Try Google maps, sketchy. Back to the on board GPS. No luck. Back to GPS… I knew I was close, ask a utility worker. No luck. Try again… finally found the garage where the rental agency was located. That was easy, eh? NOT. I wanted adventure and got it 🙂
Garage for Motorcycle in Montepulciano
Stefano suggested Montepulciano, it was wonderful. I was lucky enough to find a hotel with a garage. I found the hotel with the help of Francesca and Philipe, 2 locals who I asked directions of.
When leaving, I got a bit lost in the city center and ended up seeing some very cool things. I had to drive past the tourists using the horn on the motorcycle to clear the way…
Preparing for the ride to Verona
Settled in at the hotel in Montepulciano
www.albergoilmarzocco.it << the hotel’s website
Having a bite to eat in Orvieto, Umbria Italy ^
en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orvieto I’m not quite sure why I want to post pictures of my meals???
On the way to Montepulciano
Cappuccino Stop
On my way
This is my first stop on my motorcycle journey from Sabaudia heading north toward Milan… still can’t get the smile off of my face, Bernie.
Sunset in Italy
This beautiful Pontenia sunset is a reflection of the wonderful people in Pontenia, Italy